Maybelle K. Rowland 08/18/2022

Maybelle K. Rowland

Maybelle K. Rowland,77, of DeKalb Junction, died on August 18, 2022, at her home.  There will be a graveside service on Saturday, August 27th, 10:00 am, at Hermon Cemetery, Hermon, NY, her nephew Harry Harmer Jr. officiating.  Maybelle is survived by her sons, Michael C. Rowland of Hermon, Gregory L. Rowland of DeKalb Junction, Derek L. Rowland of Ogdensburg, her companion, George “Bill” Taylor of DeKalb Junction, a brother, Clarence “Sy” Morrow of DeKalb Junction, a sister, Mary and her husband Donald Fuller of Richville, several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by a brother, Richard Morrow, sisters, Ruby Carpenter and Shelby Harmer.  Maybelle was born on February 21, 1945, in Gouverneur, the daughter of the late Charles and June Stevens Morrow.  She attended DeKalb High School.  Maybelle married Charles Rowland in 1962, at the Old DeKalb United Methodist Church, he died in 1988. Maybelle was an aide at Moongate Nursing Home in Canton for 30+ years, retiring in 1996. She was a member of the Old DeKalb United Methodist Church. She loved horseback riding and reading.  In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to the St. Lawrence Psychiatric Hospital. 

M, obituaries


  1. I would like to express my deepest condolences to Maybelle’s sons, Mike, Greg and Derek, her companion Bill and the rest of her family and to all who knew and loved her.

  2. I want to let you know how much I appreciated your beloved Maybelle. I’ve known Maybelle for many years, since 8th grade, and have to say she is one of my favorite all time people and there are not really that many I consider in that category. When I was going through a separation and living with my mother, Marion Reed, she very kindly offered to care for my daughter, Teresa, during that time. I can still see her doing her laundry, with a wringer washer at that little house on the Underwood Road, when I would pick Teresa up after work. Now I’m very sorry to say they are both gone. My biggest wish is that I had been able to spend more time with each of them. The last time in a long time I spoke to Maybelle was shortly after Shelby passed. My condolences to all of you. To Bill who has been such a loving support for her and to the sons who should remember she loved you all.

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